Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance


Illustration of Penelope


Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer le lancement de notre version française "Pénélope va chez le cardiologue" en février 2023. Cliquez ici pour en lire plus

The Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance launched their children's book "Penelope goes for her heart checkup" in February 2021. We are thrilled to announce the launch of our French version “Penelope va chezle cardiologue” for CHD Awareness Week February 2023.

This illustrated book for children ages 5-8, follows Penelope - a young girl - as she travels to the hospital for her ‘heart checkup’. Reading this story with your child a few days before...

Advocacy information for parents and adults with CHD


For individuals and parents of a child living with a congenital heart condition, self-advocacy skills are necessary to communicate with all their health care providers, manage their day to day activities and make effective use of community resources.

What is Self-Advocacy? Self-advocacy is when a person is able to speak up in order to communicate their needs. In medical settings, self-advocacy strategies are helpful to make sure you and/or your family are understood, that your needs are being met, and that you have understood the information and advice you've been given by your healthcare...

Scrabble tiles with letters spelling Mental Health

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Congenital heart disease affects over 257,000 Canadians. Many experience mental health issues living with their CHD.

CCHA conducted a Mental Health survey* in October of 2020. We received 66 responses from across Canada.

88% of adults living with #CHD have experienced mental health challenges at some point.

75% of those living with CHD have discussed mental health concerns with a healthcare professional. Only 41% have been referred for mental health services by those same providers or another healthcare provider?

46% of those living with CHD don’t feel like...


From 2016 to 2018 the Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance (CCHA) partnered with CHEO's HALO Research Institute, and recreational facilities in your local community to deliver Fearless Physical Activity events for children, teens, and adults living with congenital heart disease (CHD) across Ontario through funding from the Province of Ontario. Each season, Fearless Physical Activity events were held in London, Ottawa, Thunder Bay or Sudbury and Toronto for all ages and all levels of ability and experience! These events were very successful in creating new connections amongst families living with...


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Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society Data Center
The Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society Data Center takes pride in their research and it would not be possible without the annual participation of the patients and families enrolled in their studies. Please click on the banner to be part of their team and to join their community.


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